Issue 24 – Spring / Summer 2022
Issue 24 was released on June 10, 2022.
Harmonized by a soft palette of pastel and neutral hues, the twelve knitwear designs in this issue are inspired by the customs, family traditions, and special places that have contributed to each designer’s heritage.
Participating designers: Rosemary (Romi) Hill / Leeni Hoimela / Rastus Hsu / Sari Nordlund / Inese Sang / Megumi Sawada / Susanne Sommer / yamagara / Yucca / Dianna Walla / amirisu
Feature: Craft Guide to Toronto
Three locals, Laura Chau and Kiyomi & Sachiko Burgin, share some of their favorite spots in the city.
Plus, a project from Lori Ann Graham, a machine-quilted tote bag project, a look at Retrosaria Rosa Pomar’s new shop, and more!
A4 size, 130 pages
Printed in Japan.
Download Code: A Ravelry download code for the entire magazine is printed on
an inserted card.
Purchase a copy from a local stockist or directly from amirisu here:
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Rest of the World
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amirisu Issue 24のテーマは Heritage。
参加デザイナー: Rosemary (Romi) Hill / Leeni Hoimela / Rastus Hsu / Sari Nordlund / Inese Sang / Megumi Sawada / Susanne Sommer / yamagara / Yucca / Dianna Walla / amirisu
特集:カナダ・トロントのクラフトシティガイド。トロントで生まれ育ったLaura Chau, Kiyomi & Sachiko Burginという3人の素晴らしいガイドが魅力的な場所を教えてくれました。
その他、ロリさんの手作りプロジェクト、ミシンキルトのトートバッグの作り方、Retrosaria Rosa Pomarの新しいお店の紹介など、読み応えのある一冊になっています。