Baltika by Inese Sang

Baltika by Inese Sang

Eleven amazing designers from all over the world participated in amirisu Issue 26. Starting today, we will share interviews with the each of these designers here on our blog.Our first interview is with Inese, who designed the lace shawl Baltika. When we first saw Baltika we couldn't help but swoon over the perfect  color combination, delicate lace pattern, and balance of lightness and size. Keep reading to hear what she has to say!

amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?

Inese: The design was inspired by the vast expanse of the Baltic Sea. From serene summer waters with the light dazzling at the top of the surface, to wide, strong and powerful waves, with white lace of crashing water, which in Latvian folklore has been described as the sea stallions lead by the Sun maiden. I believe lace is one of the most beautiful textures to convey the movement of the water and the subtlety of the everchanging outlines of the waves.

The sea has been a continuous inspiration to me throughout the years and its colours, water and sounds never cease to introduce new creative ideas for the designs.
The other challenge was to create a main body lace pattern that has not only eyelets but also a visible texture to convey the movement of the sea.


amirisu: What, if any, challenges did you encounter during the design process?

Inese: For this design the biggest challenge was to find the yarn and colourways to convey the mood and waters of the Baltic Sea. Along the coast of Latvia, it is deep blue transitioning into a foggy blue with a heavy tint of grey during overcast days, crushing into subdued white seafoam along the shore. I found the complexity of Isager Highland wool in colours Sky and Sand was a great match for the design.

amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?

Inese: I think the design would look great in medium brown, sandy tones for MC and soft off-white for the lace part of the edging, reminiscent of sand dunes and white waves of a seashore.

I also can see it worked in a light grey body and a dark grey lace section.

amirisu: How do you like to spend time in the summer? What do you like to knit or make in warmer months?

Inese: I love warm weather, so summer is a time when I try to be outside as much as possible – hiking through the forest trails, biking with the family or just spending time watching the water at the lake or seaside. I love the sound of waves and can walk along the seashore for hours.

I like working with finer weight yarns, and knitting with laceweight yarn in summer feels great. However, I do not knit as much in summer as during other seasons because I spend more time outside, but I am not a social knitter, so I never take my knitting with me.

Thank you, Inese!



amirisu: デザインのインスピレーションについて教えてください。

Inese: 広大なバルト海からインスピレーションを受けました。太陽の光が水面にまぶしく反射する夏の穏やかな海から、大きな力強い波まで、バルト海はいろいろな表情を見せてくれるんです。ラトビアの民話では、白く砕ける波は、太陽の乙女に導かれた海の馬として表現されます。それを白色のレースで表してみました。水の動きと、刻々と変化する波の輪郭の繊細さを伝えるのに、レースは最も美しいテクスチャーだと思います。

amirisu: デザインの過程で、どんな苦労や工夫がありましたか?

Inese: 一番難しかったのは、バルト海の水の雰囲気を最もよく表現してくれる毛糸と色を見つけることでした。ラトビアの海岸沿いで、バルト海は、深い青だったり、曇りの日には灰色を帯びた霧みたいな青になったり、海岸に打ち寄せると控えめな白い水泡になったりするんです。Isager HighlandのSkyとSandの複雑な色味は、このデザインにとてもよくマッチしていると思いました。

amirisu: もう一枚編むとしたら何色で編みますか?

Inese: MCはミディアムブラウンの砂のような色、縁取りのレース部分はオフホワイトにして、うみべの砂丘や白い波を連想させるような色使いがいいと思います。

amirisu: 夏はどんな過ごし方をするのが好きですか?夏には何を編んだり作ったりしますか?

Inese: 暖かい気候が好きで、夏はできる限り外に出るんです。森の中をハイキングしたり、家族とサイクリングしたり、湖や海のほとりでただ水を眺めて過ごしたり。波の音が大好きなので、何時間でも海辺を歩けてしまいます。



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