Calathea by amirisu
amirisu Issue 22 was released earlier this month on June 10. Inspired by layers, this issue features twelve knitwear designs that play with lace, stripes, and texture.
We will feature each of designs here on our blog by sharing some short conversations with designers who contributed to this issue.
Today, we are talking with Hiromi Otsuru about Calathea, a reversible summer scarf that is perfect for keeping cold air conditioner breezes at bay and adding extra style to a plain outfit. Hiromi is also a member of the amirisu team in Tokyo where she regularly teaches lesson at our new shop.
amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?
Hiromi: The textures and layers in the image board really left an impression on me. As I was developing the design, I had the idea to create a fabric similar to a woven fabric and decided to use Trio from Isager. I experimented by making several swatches and found that using Trio in combination with a slightly thicker yarn created an interesting reversible fabric with a different look on each side.
Next, I thought about the shape I wanted to make. I had the idea to make a summer accessory that could dress up a plain t-shirt, and that led me to the final design.
amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another combination of colors, what would it be?
Hiromi: I used light blue and copper for the first prototype I made. I really like it.
amirisu: How did you start your knitting journey?
Hiromi: My grandmother taught me to crochet when I was in elementary school. The first thing I made was a hat. She taught me how to knit, too. Whenever I felt stuck as I was studying or doing homework at home, I would go grab the box of yarn she gave me and knit or crochet until I felt ready to get back to my studies. I did this a lot when I was young.
My goal wasn’t to make something then, I just enjoyed the motions of working with yarn.
One day after I started working full-time as an adult, I encountered “The Sweater Picture Book,” by knitting instructor and designer Sakiko ARAI at a bookstore. I hadn’t done any knitting for years at that point, but it opened my eyes to how creative and free hand knit designs can be and inspired me to jump back into the world of knitting.
amirisu: Has spending more time at home or in your local area during the pandemic had any unexpected positives in your experience?
Hiromi: I bought a bicycle and started riding it to the nearest station and around the neighborhood. It has a seat for my son, so I can bring him along to discover new parks and shops together. I’ve enjoyed being able to go out to explore with him as we laugh about the bumpy roads or notice the how the leaves and flowers change throughout the seasons.
Thank you for your time, Hiromi!
6月4日にamirisu最新号, 22号をリリースしました。22号ではLayersをテーマにしたウェアと小物を12点掲載しています。
まずは、夏用のスカーフにぴったりなCalatheaのデザイナー、Hiromi Otsuruさんをご紹介します。Walnut東京店でレッスンを受け持つamirisuの仲間でもあります。
amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
Hiromi: イメージボードを見たときに凹凸や重なり、、そんな印象を受けました。そこからデザインを進めていくうち、織物のような繊細な編み地を作ってみたいなと思い糸はTrioを使用しようと決めました。色々な編み地を試した後、異なる太さの糸を使用し片側と反対側で全く違う印象の編み地ができました。
amirisu: もう1枚編むとしたら何色で編みますか?
Hiromi: 試作品として初めに編んだものがあるのですが、それは薄い水色とカッパーで編みました。とても気に入っています。
amirisu: 編み物を始めたきっかけは何でしたか?
Hiromi: 小学生の時に祖母に編み物を教えてもらい初めてかぎ針で帽子を編みました。そこから棒針編みも教わりました。家には祖母からもらったたくさんの毛糸がありましたので、勉強に煮詰まったりした時など毛糸ボックスを持ち出して気持ちの赴くまま手を動かし、またしまう、、というのを繰り返していました。
amirisu: 家にいることが多くなり生活を楽しめるように工夫をしていらっしゃると思います。その中で新しい発見や良かったことがあれば教えてください。
Hiromi: 自転車を購入し、近くの駅などには自転車で行くようになりました。道すがらそれまで知らなかったお店を発見したり、公園を見つけたり、道がガタガタしていて楽しかったり、季節によって変わる葉っぱの色や花など、息子と一緒にちょっとした探検を楽しんでいます。