Evol by Orlane Sucche
Today we're talking with Orlane about the lovely pullover she designed for Issue 21, Evol. The sample uses Joao from Retrosaria Rosa Pomar, it gives beautiful texture for both the front cable panel and stockinette sections. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?
Orlane: It is always difficult to identify a specific source of inspiration. I especially wanted to juxtapose different textures with a cute and modern pullover in mind. The starting point of my research is often a silhouette, a movement. Then I go back and forth between texture and motifs ideas, knitted swatches and colors... These are often times of doubts and fear of not getting what I want but it's a relief when ideas come together and the work results in a garment that makes sense to me.
amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?
Orlane: I don't wear a lot of red but two knitters who have test-knitted EVOL, Reiko and Tomomi, have knitted their sweaters in dark red and since I saw their versions, I am completely obsessed with them!
amirisu: How did you start your knitting journey?
Orlane: Like many knitters, I learned to knit when I was a child with my grandmother... and my grandfather! He knitted baby booties and blankets for all the children in the family. My grandmother knitted huge cardigans and always with a V-neck. In my turn, I knitted for my first daughter, then this hobby came into sharper focus when I got interested in yarn, in the traceability of wool, small producers, sheep breeds, etc. This is an aspect of knitting that I love, the link between animals, people and clothes that you make with your own hands and that will have a story. Now that designing is becoming my job, my relationship to knitting is obviously changing, but I keep this wonder when I try a new yarn for the first time and when I feel the satisfaction from making wooly shelters for love-ones and for myself!
amirisu: Do you have any favorite stitch patterns that you like to use?
Orlane: To be honest, I love the simplicity and endless possibilities of stockinette stitch. But I also really like textures, mainly for the substantial sequences they create. The fabric that is knitted is then different each time depending on the yarn used and it is always a surprise.
amirisu: Are there any new at-home activities you’ve been enjoying over the past few months?
Orlane: In the spring, with my daughters, we went out around our home to pick common plants (we live in the city but in a neighborhood with a lot of nature) and we did small plant dyeing sessions (but also syrups and jams!). And this fall, I'm trying to take the time to sew with my teenage daughter and do stencil textile printing with the youngest. We love making things :-)
Thank you for your time Orlane! Your fall family projects sound like so much fun!
amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
Orlane: インスピレーションの源を特定するのは難しいと思っていますが、今回は模様編みのコントラストを楽しめる現代風のプルオーバーを作ってみたいと考えました。私の場合、シルエットや動きからデザインを始めることが多いです。それから、地模様や柄、色に迷いながらスワッチを編んでみます。求めているものに近づけているか、疑問に思ったり、心配したりする時はありますが、納得できる形になるとほっとしますね。
amirisu: もう1枚編むとしたら何色で編みますか?
Orlane: 普段、赤色の服はあまり着ませんが、このデザインをテストニットしてくれた二人が濃い赤で編んだのを見てから、すっかり赤の魅力に取りつかれています!
amirisu: 編み物を始めたきっかけは何でしたか?
Orlane: 子供の時におばあちゃんとおじいちゃんにも教えてもらいました!おじいちゃんは全ての孫たちに赤ちゃん用靴下やブランケットを編んでくれましたよ。おばあちゃんはVネックの大きなカーディガンをよく編んでいました。
amirisu: つい使ってしまう、お気に入りのステッチがあれば教えてください。
Orlane: メリヤス編みが大好きです。シンプルで無限な可能性がありますよね。でも、模様編みが生み出すリズムも好き。同じ編み方でも、違う糸を使うだけで仕上がりががらりと変わるのが編み物の面白さだと思います。
amirisu: 最近おうちで過ごす時間が多くなったと思います。何か新しい過ごし方やお楽しみがあれば教えてください。
Orlane: この春は、娘たちと一緒に近所に生えている植物を集めて(私は街に住んでいますが近所には自然がたくさんあるんですよ)、草木染めをしたり、ジャム作りをしたりしました。秋には、ティーンエイジャーの娘と一緒にお裁縫をする時間を増やし、末っ子とは簡単な型染めに挑戦しようと思います。子供たちもものづくりが好きなんです。