Featured: Geo Point Hat by Dallas Ann Prentice
Here in Japan, spring is in full bloom, and we are surrounded by the fresh greens and so much colors of flowers. It is so inspiring! I have been going through my stash, and picking out cheery colors that fits my mood, and feeling so happy. Although we are shifting on to a warmer weather, I know that some of you are still getting snow! Also if you are in southern hemisphere, you are probably looking forward to the sweater-wearing weather, which is just around the corner.
On this blog, we are featuring Dallas Ann Prentice, the designer behind Geo Point Hat. This unique hat with the bold geometric pattern and a ear flap, would be a fun knit suitable for everyone in all kinds of weathers. So let's start asking questions.
amirisu: Where did you get the inspiration for this design?
Dallas Ann: I'm a lover of symmetry, lines, and geometric shapes with a deep set aversion to knitting anything that has awkward construction. Traditional ear flaps on hats have always made me cringe regarding how they're applied, so it was my goal to find a construction method that would offer ear flaps in a more seamless fashion. I drew on images from the 60s and 70s while incorporating my own take on garter texture and clean icord lines into the overall look and feel of the hat. It felt a bit like throwing a bunch of unrelated things into a blender during the design process! Thankfully, it all worked out and created Geo Point.
amirisu: If you were to knit with another color, what will it be?
Dallas Ann: I love the idea of Geo Point in an electric purple and black for the color work section with a variegated color way bridging the gap between the two main colors as the garter hat band!
amirisu: If someone was visiting your city, any recommendations on yarn shops, or any other places to go?
Dallas Ann: The lovely Fiber Universe in Peoria, Illinois is a fun shop right along the river. They have a cozy group knitting space against large windows that is perfect for people watching and enjoying the company of those in the shop! My favorite coffee shop is a few streets over from Fiber Universe, called Zion Coffee. Windows line most of the walls, providing beautiful natural lighting, which is perfect for knitting in public! They offer delicious simple foods in addition to wonderful coffee.
Thank you Dallas Ann for answering the questions. Purple, black, and the variegated colors are so tempting!
今回ご紹介するのはamirisu15号 Geo Point HatのデザイナーであるDallas Ann Prenticeです。耳あて付きで、大胆な幾何学模様が際立つユニークな帽子は、どんな気候の場所でも楽しんで頂けると思います。では、彼女に色々とお聞きしてみましょう。
amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
Dallas Ann: 私は左右対称の物や線、幾何学模様がとても好きな一方、変わった構造の物を編むことがすごく嫌いなんです。帽子の耳あてが編みつけてある方法を見るといつもうんざりしていたので、耳あてを綴じはぎなしてつける方法を探したいとずっと思っていました。60年代や70年代のイメージにガーターやすっきりとしたI-cordの縁を私らしく盛り込みたいとデザインを考えました。デザインをしている最中には、なんだかまったく関連性のないものをブレンダ―で混ぜているような気分でしたが、すべてがうまく溶け合いGeo Pointができあがりました。
amirisu: もし他の色で編むとしたら何色を選びますか?
Dallas Ann: ぱきっとした紫と黒でカラーワークの部分を編み、つぶつぶの入った糸でガーターを編んだら絶対に素敵だと思んです!
amirisu: あなたの街に旅行で行くとしたら、お勧めの毛糸屋やお店、場所はありますか?
Dallas Ann: イリノイ州のPeoriaにあるFiber Universeというお店は川沿いにあってとても楽しい場所です。大きな窓の横にグループで編めるような場所があり、お店にいる人達とおしゃべりをしながら時間を過ごすことができます。ここから近いZion Coffeeというお店も私のお気に入りです。窓がたくさんあってきれいな自然光が入るので、編み物をするのに最高の場所なんです。コーヒーだけでなくシンプルな食事も美味しいですよ。