Featured: Hachinosu by Andrea Mowry
I can't believe how fast February and March have gone by, and how quickly the season of sakura has arrived. Since our release of amirisu Issue 15, we have been getting so many kind comments and cheers, and we are so grateful for all your support. For this issue, as always, we have asked the wondeful designers about their inspirations for the design, which never fails to facinate us. And this time around, we also asked about their recommendations on yarn shops and other places in their city! How exciting! So, today we are introducing Andrea Mowry, the designer behind Hachinosu (It means Honeycomb in Japanese). Andrea has started the fading era that many of us were intrigued by, but she is also known for her easy-wearing garments, which makes everyone feel gorgeous! So, let's start asking her questions.
amirisu: where did you get the inspiration for this design?
Andrea: The inspiration for Hachinosu came as soon as YOTH released their amazing new base, Daughter! Woolen spun yarns are my absolute favorite, as I believe they create gorgeous garments that are as light-weight as a ready to wear sweater, while also being hard wearing and rustic. A few days later I received the mood board for amirisu 15, and couldn't believe my luck! It was all black and white and lots of texture. I began dreaming up a favorite cardi with bold, high contrast stripes that could be dressed up or down. I always love a shawl collar, and wanted this one to have an interesting twist (quite literally!), so I added my favorite honeycomb cables to the ribbing for a unique play on a classic design. I find a hi-lo hem to be incredibly flattering on lots of different body types, so with the help of some clever short-row shaping, you get a nice rounded low hem to compliment the higher front hem. The exaggerated shawl collar and bold wide stripes definitely make it a stand out for any handmade wardrobe!
amirisu: If you are to knit with another color, what will it be?
Andrea: Our test knitter, Amanda, used YOTH Daughter in Chocolate and Oatmeal, and I have been wanting to knit myself up one in these colors ever since! It turned out so gorgeous and soft with the lighter palette. I also think knitters could have so much fun pairing their favorite saturated bold color (Raspberry or a Mustard Yellow) with a nice neutral (White or Soft Grey) to really show off their personal style!
amirisu: If someone was visiting your city, any recommendations on yarn shops, or any other places to go?
Andrea: I love this question! Michigan is home to some amazing yarn shops, including my very own LYS Woven Art in East Lansing! This shop was there when I first really fell in love with knitting, and always made me feel at home! After picking out some gorgeous new yarns, you must head to Chapelure, a little French pastry shop that has great coffee and croissants - perfect knitting fuel ;) If you are lucky enough to visit other cities while here, Spun in Ann Arbor and Wool & Honey in Cedar are both must-gos!
Thank you so much Andrea, for taking time to answer the questions. Now, many of us must be dreaming about visiting Michigan!

さて、今回ご登場頂くのはAndrea Mowry。Find Your Fadeなど1つのセーターやショールの中で色を次々と変化させていく流行を作ったデザイナーとしてご存知の方も多いと思いますが、カジュアルで着やすく、誰が着ても素敵に見える彼女のデザインはいつも人気です。まずはHachinosuのインスピレーションについて聞いてみました。
Andrea: HachinosuはYOTHのDaughterという素晴らしい糸を見せてもらった時から頭に浮かんでいたのよ。私は空気を多く含み、軽く暖かい紡毛糸が大好きなの。なぜならその糸で作ったセーターは手編みとは思えないくらい軽いのに、どんなに着ても着崩れないしとても素朴な感じがするから。
amirisu: もし他の色で編むとしたら何色を選びますか?
Andrea: テストニッターのAmandaがね、YOTH DaughterのChocolate とOatmealの組み合わせで編んでいるのを見てから、私も同じ色で編みたいなとずっと思っているの。その少し淡い色合いがとても優しい雰囲気で素敵で。あとは、あなたのお気に入りのはっきりとした色 (例えばラズベリー色やマスタード色のような) と白や薄いグレーの組み合わせで自分らしさを表現するのも楽しいと思うわ!
amirisu: あなたの街に旅行で行くとしたら、お勧めの毛糸屋やお店、場所はありますか?
Andrea: とても良い質問ね!私の住んでいるミシガンにはたくさんの素晴らしい毛糸屋があるけれど、私のお気に入りはEast LansingにあるWoven Artというお店よ。私が最初に編み物に恋した時からあるお店で、ここに行くといつもとても居心地が良いの。ここで素敵な糸を買ったら、Chapelure という小さなフレンチペイストリ―のお店に絶対行くべき。ここはクロワッサンとコーヒーが美味しいので、それを楽しみながら編み物をするって最高でしょ。もし他の街にも行く時間があったら、Ann Arborにある Spun とCedar にある Wool & Honeyにも行ってみて!