Hikari by yamagara
yamagara: I am a fan of amirisu and Walnut. Every time I am in Japan I try to visit either the store in Tokyo or Kyoto. The design I made for Issue 20 really began with a visit to Walnut Tokyo in 2019.
I bought the exact yarn I used for the sample, amirisu Parade, in the colourway New York to knit Megumi Sawada's Blossom, but I got extra skeins just because I liked it so much. Having first knitted with Parade for Ekuni, a design by Tokuko, and then again for Blossom, I knew Parade was the yarn I want to use for knitwear in my personal wardrobe.
Many of my design inspirations come from the yarn, and this was no exception. When I was thinking of a design for Issue 20, without hesitation, I wanted to use Parade to feature how beautifully it gives definition to simple lines and subtle texture. I envisioned a staple tee that could be worn for dressing up casually or for a formal occasion. Details would be sleek and timeless, but the construction of the tee would be a little unconventional, giving the back of the tee added interest. Inspired by the clean lines and geometric forms of Ando Tadao’s architecture, and how light and material are manifested in his work, Hikari is my interpretation of a similar effect in knitwear.
amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?
yamagara: As I used my personal stash for the sample, amirisu kindly sent me more yarn in the colourway of my choice. So, in fact, I have knitted another Hikari for myself in the colourway Xauen. It's a blue that I know I will wear with many of my outfits. Since then, Parade has been made in a few more new colourways. If I were to knit another Hikari, I would go for Sienna.
amirisu: Could you tell us about any shops or places you recommend in your area? We are dreaming of places to go and things to do in the future.
yamagara: In Singapore, there is still a lack of good brick-and-mortar yarn shops. I do most of my yarn shopping overseas (in particular Japan) and online. In the past couple of years, I've gotten to know a few indie dyers in Singapore. They are ParkourKitties and MyyarnstoryCo. Singapore was going to have its first yarn crawl with local indie dyers and yarn shops in May 2020, but the event was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I would love to introduce more indie dyers and yarn shops after I get to know them personally.
yamagara: 私はamirisuとWalnutのファンで、日本に行くと必ず東京又は京都のお店に行くようにしています。今回の20号のデザインも2019年に東京店を訪ねた時から始まりました。
今回のサンプルに使用したamirisu ParadeのNew Yorkという色をMegumi SawadaさんデザインのBlossomを編む為に購入して、あまりにその糸が好きだったので少し多めに買って帰りました。以前トクコさんがデザインしたEkuniを編み、その後また同じ糸でBlossomを編んだので、自分のワードローブに必要なニットウェアにはParadeがぴったりだとわかっていました。
yamagara: 最初のサンプルは手持ちの糸で編んだのですが、その後私の選んだ色をamirisuが送って下さりました。実はすでにXauenの色で自分用の1枚を編んだんです。きっとこれから色々な洋服に合わせてこの青色のHikariを着ると思います。その後Paradeには新色も出ているので、更に編むとしたらSiennaにします。
amirisu: ご自宅の近くのオススメのお店や場所があったら教えて下さい (自由に旅をできる日々が戻ってくることを夢見ています)。
yamagara: シンガポールにはまだ素敵な毛糸屋があまりないので毛糸は大体海外(特に日本で)かオンラインショップで買いますが、ここ数年、シンガポールで糸の手染めをしている ParkourKittiesやMyyarnstoryCoに出会う機会もありました。2020年5月にはシンガポール初の地元の手染め作家や毛糸屋が参加するヤーンクロールが開催される予定でしたが、新型コロナウイルスの流行で延期せざるを得ませんでした。また機会があったら皆さんに彼らを紹介したいと思います。