Featured: Moonlight by Megumi Sawada
We are so excited to release our newest issue of amirisu magazine next week. It is full of spring-summer knits! But before that, we would like to introduce a very talented designer from Issue 15.
Megumi Sawada lives in Tokyo, and while working as a system engineer during the day, she is obsessed with knitting. She often visits us at WALNUT Tokyo, and we always have a lovely time talking about yarns and what not. So, lets start the interview!
amirisu: What was the inspiration for Moonlight?
Megumi: I've always loved the feel of Woolfolk Får, and wanted to make a sweater out of it. I started designing Moonlight, aiming for the simple and clean-cut sytle that I like. Får has a texture by itself, so I tried to design a sweater which is simple yet stylish. I spent quite a bit of time on swatching to achieve the look.
amirisu: If you were to knit with another color, what would it be?
Megumi: Får in color #02! Of course I love the black color in the magazine, but would like to see how it would knit up in a lighter color.
amirisu: When did you start knitting?
Megumi: When I was 10 years old, knitting was featured in a craft book that I had, and wanted to try it out. My mother only does crochet, so I learned how to knit and purl from my mother's friend, and from there I knit a sock from that book. Following the instruction, I remember being so impressed when the heel of the sock turned up.
amirisu: Were you knitting with Japanese patterns at the beginning? And if so, has anything changed since you found foreign designs and Raverly?
Megumi: Until 2012, I only used Japanese patterns, which usually have only one size. Because I am taller than an average Japanese woman, everything turned out so small, that I always had to give it to my family and friends. But in 2012, browsing through the Internet, I came across Raverly, amirisu, and some hand dyed yarns, all almost at the same time. Discovering that size M in most of the patterns fit me, I was so overwhelmed with happiness, that I haven't stopped knitting since then. It completely changed how I spend my time. If I hadn't found Raverly or amirisu, I probably wouldn't have fallen into knitting as much, and most likely had not thought of designing either.
amirisu: Is there a place or a shop you'd recommend to visitors to Tokyo?
Megumi: I'd definitely recommend WALNUT Tokyo. It's a lovely space with a wide range of yarns. And if you walk from Omotesando station, it's fun to see all the interesting shops on the way too. Another place I like is Asakusabashi. There are all kinds of craft shops, such as beads and leather goods, and you could have fun just walking around that neighborhood. As for places to knit, me and my friends tend to knit at Starbucks and cafes. It is so relaxing and refreshing to knit while drinking coffee, isnt' it? (Although, if you stay too long, you might get kicked out?). If you see someone knitting away at a cafe, it can be me! I would be really happy if you ask me "what are you knitting?"
amirisu: Thank you Megumi for your time. I hope to see your new designs soon!
今週はamirisu15号MoonlightのデザイナーであるMegumi Sawadaさんをご紹介します。システムエンジニアとしてお忙しく働く傍ら編み物に熱中し、WALNUT Tokyoにもよくいらして下さいます。いつも糸のことや新しいデザインのことなど、楽しくお話させて頂いています! では、インタビューを始めたいと思います。
Megumi: 前からWoolfolkのFarの質感がとても好きで、
amirisu: もしご自分用にもう1着編むとしたら、何色にしますか?
Megumi: Farの02、ライトグレーで編みたいです。
amirisu: 編み物を始めたきっかけは何でしたか?
Megumi: 10歳の頃に、子ども向けの手芸の本に棒針編みが載っていて、
amirisu: 最初は日本の編み図で編まれていましたか?その場合は、
Megumi: 2012年までは日本の編み図で編んでいました。
Megumi: おススメのお店はWALNUT Tokyo です。