Featured: Whisper by Veera Välimäki
Hiya! It's been a while since I last updated this blog. We had a retreat to run, plans to scheme, that had kept us quite busy. But, we are off to vacation tomorrow! Our very first trip to abroad, so exciting!
A new KAL, Whispers KAL is starting on June 14. Hope this interview will help you decide what yarn to choose for your Whisper.
I started swatting today, still not sure whether to use a linen yarn or Tosh Merino Light.
amirisu: Hi Veera! First question: where did you get the inspiration for your design?
Veera: Actually, the idea originated from the gauge – I wanted it be like a breeze, light and airy. Then the design itself took its shape from the ideas of drape and flow.
amirisu: Veera、こんにちは。まずは最初の質問。今回のデザインのインスピレーションは?
Veera: 実は、スウォッチを編んでみたところからデザインがカタチになっていったの。風通しの良い、軽くて空気を含んでいるようなデザインにしてみたくなって。そこからドレープや流れるようなデザインのアイデアがカタチになったの。
amirisu: That's so unusual and interesting! A lot of people will start knitting the tops for this summer. What other type of yarn do you suggest, other than the one that is used? Any specific yarn suggestions?
Veera: Must say I’d love to see a linen or silk blend Whispers! Just make sure you get the right gauge. Especially with linen, the row gauge might stretch quite a bit – and you wouldn’t want the front pleats located too low!
Also, I would love a deep red or hot pink for Whispers, I think it would be super for a brisk summer’s eve! Certainly something bright and light.
amirisu: 多くの人がWhispersをこれから夏用に編むつもりだと思うんだけど、どんな糸を使ったら良いかというアイデアはある?代替えするなら?
Veera: リネンやシルクブレンドの糸で編んだWhispersを見たいわね!ただし段ゲージには気をつけて。リネンは伸びやすいから、プリーツが下がって胸の下に来たりすると格好悪いでしょ?
amirisu: Hmmm, I might actually choose the linen yarn. Thank you for an inspiration :) You often use TML but this airy flared shape is something we've never seen. What is your mood for knitting/designing these days? What type of projects or techniques are you exploring these days?
Veera: It’s actually funny, as I’ve been working on quite a bunch of shawls and wraps and scarves lately, I feel like my head is full of new sweater designs... I always seem to find inspiration for a whole different type of projects when I’m planning or working on something else! That can also be a bit irritating sometimes.
amirisu: なるほど!やっぱりリネンかー。アイデアをありがとう。Tosh Merino Lightをよくデザインに使っていると思うんだけど、WhispersのようなタイプのトップスはVeeraにしては珍しいよね。最近のデザインのマイブームや、気に入っているテクニックやディテールってある?
Veera: 不思議なことに、最近とにかくショールや巻物ばかり沢山デザインしているでしょ、そうすると頭にはセーターのデザインばかり湧いてくるの。いつもその時作業しているタイプの作品とは違うアイデアばかり思いつくようなのよ。たまにイライラしちゃうわ(笑)。
amirisu: Where is your favorite places/spots/circumstances to knit?
Veera: My favorite place to knit is definitely in our garden, too bad it’s only possible in the summertime! Now that I think about it, it might be the long months of winter that make me want to stay outside for more than just a quick walk. We also have a ridiculously huge white garden table, it’s perfect to spread all the current WIP’s on!
amirisu: 話変わって。どこで編み物をするのが好き?お気に入りのスポットは?
Veera: わたしのお気に入りはなんといってもお庭ね。夏しか外で編めないのが本当に残念!そう言われてみれば、長い長い冬があるから、夏は散歩以上にとにかく外に出たいって思うのね。家のお庭には馬鹿げたぐらい大きな白いテーブルがあって、そこに編みかけのプロジェクトを広げると最高なの。
amirisu: Sounds like your favorite season for knitting is finally here! Funny, most knitter long for cold winter.Last question. How did you like our latest issue? Any favorite part of yours?
Veera: I’m so honored to be part of this particular issue, I loved it all! Maybe the most interesting part of the issue for me was the interview of Kirsten Johnstone, reading through the ideas and thoughts of other knitwear designers is always intriguing!
amirisu: お気に入りの季節がついにやってきたようね。おかしい、殆どのニッターは寒い冬が恋しいのにね。
Veera: 今回の号に参加できて本当に光栄に思っているわ。全部素敵!一番のお気に入りはキルステンのインタビューかしら。他のデザイナーがどんなところから着想を得ているのか、とても興味深いわ。
All images by Veera Välimäki
A new KAL, Whispers KAL is starting on June 14. Hope this interview will help you decide what yarn to choose for your Whisper.
I started swatting today, still not sure whether to use a linen yarn or Tosh Merino Light.
amirisu: Hi Veera! First question: where did you get the inspiration for your design?
Veera: Actually, the idea originated from the gauge – I wanted it be like a breeze, light and airy. Then the design itself took its shape from the ideas of drape and flow.
amirisu: Veera、こんにちは。まずは最初の質問。今回のデザインのインスピレーションは?
Veera: 実は、スウォッチを編んでみたところからデザインがカタチになっていったの。風通しの良い、軽くて空気を含んでいるようなデザインにしてみたくなって。そこからドレープや流れるようなデザインのアイデアがカタチになったの。
amirisu: That's so unusual and interesting! A lot of people will start knitting the tops for this summer. What other type of yarn do you suggest, other than the one that is used? Any specific yarn suggestions?
Veera: Must say I’d love to see a linen or silk blend Whispers! Just make sure you get the right gauge. Especially with linen, the row gauge might stretch quite a bit – and you wouldn’t want the front pleats located too low!
Also, I would love a deep red or hot pink for Whispers, I think it would be super for a brisk summer’s eve! Certainly something bright and light.
amirisu: 多くの人がWhispersをこれから夏用に編むつもりだと思うんだけど、どんな糸を使ったら良いかというアイデアはある?代替えするなら?
Veera: リネンやシルクブレンドの糸で編んだWhispersを見たいわね!ただし段ゲージには気をつけて。リネンは伸びやすいから、プリーツが下がって胸の下に来たりすると格好悪いでしょ?
amirisu: Hmmm, I might actually choose the linen yarn. Thank you for an inspiration :) You often use TML but this airy flared shape is something we've never seen. What is your mood for knitting/designing these days? What type of projects or techniques are you exploring these days?
Veera: It’s actually funny, as I’ve been working on quite a bunch of shawls and wraps and scarves lately, I feel like my head is full of new sweater designs... I always seem to find inspiration for a whole different type of projects when I’m planning or working on something else! That can also be a bit irritating sometimes.
amirisu: なるほど!やっぱりリネンかー。アイデアをありがとう。Tosh Merino Lightをよくデザインに使っていると思うんだけど、WhispersのようなタイプのトップスはVeeraにしては珍しいよね。最近のデザインのマイブームや、気に入っているテクニックやディテールってある?
Veera: 不思議なことに、最近とにかくショールや巻物ばかり沢山デザインしているでしょ、そうすると頭にはセーターのデザインばかり湧いてくるの。いつもその時作業しているタイプの作品とは違うアイデアばかり思いつくようなのよ。たまにイライラしちゃうわ(笑)。
amirisu: Where is your favorite places/spots/circumstances to knit?
Veera: My favorite place to knit is definitely in our garden, too bad it’s only possible in the summertime! Now that I think about it, it might be the long months of winter that make me want to stay outside for more than just a quick walk. We also have a ridiculously huge white garden table, it’s perfect to spread all the current WIP’s on!
amirisu: 話変わって。どこで編み物をするのが好き?お気に入りのスポットは?
Veera: わたしのお気に入りはなんといってもお庭ね。夏しか外で編めないのが本当に残念!そう言われてみれば、長い長い冬があるから、夏は散歩以上にとにかく外に出たいって思うのね。家のお庭には馬鹿げたぐらい大きな白いテーブルがあって、そこに編みかけのプロジェクトを広げると最高なの。
amirisu: Sounds like your favorite season for knitting is finally here! Funny, most knitter long for cold winter.Last question. How did you like our latest issue? Any favorite part of yours?
Veera: I’m so honored to be part of this particular issue, I loved it all! Maybe the most interesting part of the issue for me was the interview of Kirsten Johnstone, reading through the ideas and thoughts of other knitwear designers is always intriguing!
amirisu: お気に入りの季節がついにやってきたようね。おかしい、殆どのニッターは寒い冬が恋しいのにね。
Veera: 今回の号に参加できて本当に光栄に思っているわ。全部素敵!一番のお気に入りはキルステンのインタビューかしら。他のデザイナーがどんなところから着想を得ているのか、とても興味深いわ。
All images by Veera Välimäki