Fuyunagi by Megumi Sawada
Today we are talking with Megumi Sawada about her elegant poncho, Fuyunagi.
A poncho can tend to give an outfit a casual look, but the simple shape and lovely drape of this design, especially when worked in Woolfolk's LUFT like the sample, make this poncho one that goes just as well with a dress and heels as it does with a pair of pants.
amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?
Megumi: I decided from the start that I wanted to design a poncho that could be easily thrown on for some extra warmth during fall and winter.
I was imagining something with a simple silhouette and beautiful textured stitches, so I knit up a bunch of swatches. I’m a fan of all-over texture, so I often will work up a few swatches with different options. From those swatches I picked the Grass Stitch because it looks great whether viewed up close or from a distance, without being overwhelming.
amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?
Megumi: I would pick L2, a light gray. I’d like to have it in a light color to brighten up the dark grays and blacks I tend to wear in the winter.
amirisu: Do you have any favorite stitch patterns that you like to use?
Megumi: I like seed stitch and twisted rib (K1tbl+P1).
amirisu: Are there any new at-home activities you’ve been enjoying over the past few months?
Megumi: I’ve been pouring even more time and passion into my knitting, but I’ve also been enjoying sewing lately.
Until recently, I would usually sew one or two pieces of clothing or some accessories (pouches, that sort of thing), but this summer, I pulled out my sewing machine every time I had a free day and made a lot of clothes.
I built up my sewing confidence during the summer, so next I’d like to try my hand at sewing something more involved like a coat.
Thank you for your time, Megumi! We hope your next sewing adventure is a success!
今回ご紹介するのは、Megumi Sawadaさんのワンピースやハイヒールのコーディネートにも合うエレガントなポンチョ、Fuyunagi。Woolfolk LUFTで編むと、空気のように軽く、美しいドレープが生まれます。
amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
Megumi: 秋冬にさっと羽織れるポンチョのデザインをしよう、というのは最初に決めました。
amirisu: もう1枚編むとしたら何色で編みますか?
Megumi: L2のライトグレーで編みたいです。冬は黒やグレーの服が増えるので、少し明るさを足したいので!
amirisu: つい使ってしまう、お気に入りのステッチがあれば教えてください。
Megumi: 鹿の子模様、K1tbl+P1のねじりゴム編みが好きです。
amirisu: 最近おうちで過ごす時間が多くなったと思います。何か新しい過ごし方やお楽しみがあれば教えてください。
Megumi: 編み物にこれまで以上に時間と情熱を注いでいますが、それ以外だとソーイングが最近のお楽しみです。