Humboldt by amirisu
Issue 22 features two amirisu designs and today we're talking with Tokuko about her contribution, Humboldt. With a striking zig-zag lace motif around the yoke, Humboldt is linen pullover ideal for warm weather.
amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?
Tokuko: I've been teaching how to calculate and construct a round-yoke sweater from the bottom up in one of my classes, and I wanted to design something of my own using those techniques. I decided to go with a pullover with a lace motif around the yoke.
The lace is worked while decreasing stitches, and I found it a little tricky to figure out how to make it work for the larger sizes.
amirisu: The samples for the magazine were worked in earth tones, what color would you pick for a different feel?
Tokuko: I would like to knit one in blue. I’d pick Drake or Capri if I used Wanderlust Linen again.
amirisu: Do you have any tips for knitting this design?
Tokuko: The key is to maintain the same gauge when working the stockinette and lace sections. Feel free to change needle sizes to keep the gauge consistent!
amirisu: Has spending more time at home or in your local area during the pandemic had any unexpected positives in your experience?
Tokuko: Other than when I have lessons in Kyoto or Tokyo, since last fall I’ve mostly been working from our small office in Nara. My commute is only 5 minutes now! Working closer to home has allowed me to have more free time in the mornings that I've used to get some stretching in, study English, or read more books.
Thank you for your time, Tokuko!
amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
Tokuko: 現在、教室でボトムアップで編む丸ヨークセーターの計算方法を教えているのですが、私も同じ手法でデザインしてみたくなり、レース模様を入れた丸ヨークセーターを作りました。
amirisu: 雑誌のサンプルはアースカラーですが、違う雰囲気で編むとしたら何色で編みますか?
Tokuko: 青系の色、Wanderlust Linenでいうと、DrakeやCapriで編んでみたいです。
amirisu: きれいに編むためのコツなどはありますか?
amirisu: 家にいることが多くなり生活を楽しめるように工夫をしていらっしゃると思います。その中で新しい発見や良かったことがあれば教えてください。
Tokuko: レッスンや打合せで京都や東京に行く以外は、最近は自宅近くの事務所で仕事をしています。通勤時間はたったの5分!そのため、ストレッチしたり英語の勉強をしたり本を読んだりと朝に有意義な時間を持てるようになりました。