Satsuki by Sari Nordlund
The designers who joined us for Issue 23 found inspiration in many different aspects of their chosen films. Sari Nordlund found her inspiration in one of the characters (a certain beloved and mysterious forest creature) to create her cute and wearable pullover design, Satsuki. Read our interview with Sari below to learn more about this design and Sari's personal knitting motto.
amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?
Sari: The theme was favourite movies and as I have always loved anime and Hayao Miyazaki’s movies, I chose My Neighbour Totoro. I saw it the first time as a twenty-something, but I fell in love with it immediately. Now that I have a child of my own, new layers of the movie have opened for me. First my son was the same age as Mei and I saw a lot of similarities between them, and now he is closer to Satsuki’s age and again, I see the movie differently. Totoro is also my son’s favourite movie, and we have already watched it countless of times – and neither of us ever gets bored of it!
I wanted to create something that would give the impression of Totoro without appearing too literal or costume-like. So I chose a pullover with Totoro’s distinctive marks on the front worked as upside down V-shaped cables. The pullover is knitted with some mohair to give it a slightly furry and soft appearance.
amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?
Sari: I would knit this in forest green, I think that would also suit the Totoro theme – and it’s also my favourite color :)
amirisu: What is your favorite movie genre?
Sari: I love crime thrillers with good twisting plots, but also sci-fi movies that have a bit more depth to them than just intergalactic fighting :)
amirisu: When and where do you typically knit?
Sari: You can find me knitting pretty much anywhere, I’m the type of person whose motto could be: “if I sit, I knit.” I mostly knit in the evenings on the sofa with some Netflix, or on the bus when commuting to work. I usually always have a knitting project in my bag, so if I have a few minutes of spare time, I take it out and work a few stitches or rounds.
Thank you, Sari!
みんな大好き、あのモフモフの不思議な生き物の模様がデコルテに入ったキュートなプルオーバー、Satsuki。シンプルな模様なのでオシャレに着こなしつつ、気持ちだけは童心に帰って楽しめる一着です。今回はデザインしてくれたSari Nordlundさんにお話を伺っています!
amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
Sari: 宮崎駿監督の映画が大好きなので『となりのトトロ』を選びました。20代の頃に初めて観たのですが、そのときすぐに大好きになりました。
amirisu: もう1枚編むとしたら何色で編みますか?
Sari: 森のようなフォレストグリーンで編みたいです。緑色もトトロのテーマに合うと思いますし、私の大好きな色でもあるので!
amirisu: 好きな映画のジャンルはなんですか?
Sari: ストーリーがよく練られていて展開が予期できない、犯罪もののスリラー映画が大好きです。そして、ただ宇宙で戦うだけではなくてもう少し深みのあるSF映画も大好きです。
amirisu: 普段の生活では、いつどこで編み物をすることが多いですか?
Sari: 「sitしたらknit! 」(座ったら編む!)がモットーなので、どこででも編みます。夕方にNetflixを観ながらソファに座って編んだり、通勤バスで編んだりすることが多いです。いつも編みかけのプロジェクトをカバンに入れているので、ちょっとでも暇があれば取り出して数針、数周編みますよ。