【Sock Club 2022 – Call for designs!】
It seems that every day, more and more people are falling in love with sock knitting!
It’s no wonder sock knitting is so popular, not only are sock projects lightweight and super portable, but they can incorporate all kinds of different techniques, too.
This year at amirisu we held our first Sock Club to offer sock knitters a fresh new sock design each month. Each month of the club we released a limited-time exclusive sock kit including an original pattern and yarn. Since we had such a great response this year, we are now planning for Sock Club 2022, and this time we’ve decided to do an open call for designs!
We are looking for sock designs that are attractive yet practical and, of course, are engaging to knit. Keep reading for more details and for how to submit your design.
(1) In general, the design should use amirisu Trek. However, if your design requires a different yarn, please consult with us.
(2) We plan to offer the Sock Club patterns in English and Japanese.
(3) Multiple sizes are not required. If the sample is sized for an average adult woman, one size is fine.
(4) For chosen designs, amirisu will select the sample color and send the yarn to the designer for the sample. We ask that the designer cover the shipping fee for sending the sample back to amirisu.
(5) amirisu will provide technical editing, create charts, and prepare the pattern layout and translation (from English to Japanese or Japanese to English).
(6) Send a simple design proposal ( a sketch, swatches, and designdescriptions) to contribute@amirisu.com to submit your design. Please include your Instagram and Ravelry accounts in your message. The deadline is December 29th, 2021.
(7) Please let us know an estimate for when you would be able to submit the pattern and your finished sample. Once we have selected the participating designers, we will finalize the deadline for each designer with consideration for their preference and the club schedule. The final possible deadline will be Nov. 2022.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: contribute@amirisu.com