Spica by Rievive
The Issue 21 KAL is getting started on Instagram! To participate, just share photos of your projects from the new issue with our hashtag, #amirisu21kal. The knit-along will be running until January 31, 2021. Hop over to our Instagram for details.
Today we're talking with Rievive about her design Spica, a sweater with lots of nostalgic charm. We asked her about her inspiration and how she's been spending the extra time at home over the past few months.
amirisu: What was your inspiration for this design?
Rievive: The image of a silk cocoon was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the mood board. I decided that I wanted to use a natural white yarn with a hint of yellow to recreate that soft roundness in a sweater.
I’m a fan of vintage and second-hand clothing and items, so I wanted to add something extra, a little retro spice for a unique, handmade feel. The crochet-like stitches along the cuffs and hem turned out to be just what I was looking for.
amirisu: If you were to knit this design in another color, what would it be?
Rievive: I wanted to have a strong contrast for the sample, but I think using similar colors, like a medium grey and light grey, would really change the overall feel. I’d like to give a low-contrast version a try.
amirisu: Do you have any favorite stitch patterns that you like to use?
Rievive: I really like purl stitches. I also love a picot edge for finishing.
I enjoy trying out new stitches and combining them together to create a design that plays with differences in gauge.
amirisu: Are there any new at-home activities you’ve been enjoying over the past few months?
Rievive: That’s something I’d like to ask myself!
Ever since I started working with knitting as a designer, so even before the pandemic, I’ve been spending so much more time sitting. Not getting enough exercise has been a big concern of mine for a while.
I wanted to give something a try, so I bought a balance ball. But these days it’s just rolling around the room...
When my child has a free day, sometimes we take a walk around the neighborhood together. I also like to drive to lesser known spots near the ocean to watch the waves and zone out.
Doing some sewing with my machine now and then has been a fun change of pace for me, too.
Thank you for your time, Rievive!
Instagramでamirisu 21号のKALが始まりました!開催は2021年1月31日までですので、途中経過や編み上がった作品に #amirisu21kal を付けて投稿してくださいね。既に編み始めていても大丈夫です。詳しくは amirisushopの投稿をご覧ください。
amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
Rievive: Mood Boardを拝見して、まず「繭」のかたちが頭のなかにぽっかりと浮かび上がり、すこし黄色味がかった白い糸がふんわりと膨らんだ様子をセーターで表現したいな、と思いました。
amirisu: もう1枚編むとしたら何色で編みますか?
Rievive: サンプルは、あえてくっきりとした組合わせにしましたが、近い色味同士(Mid-greyとLight-greyなど)で組み合わせるとまたガラリと違った雰囲気になるので、試してみたいです。
amirisu: つい使ってしまう、お気に入りのステッチがあれば教えてください。
Rievive: 裏編みの目が好きです。お気に入りといえば、ピコットの仕上がりも大好きです。
amirisu: 最近おうちで過ごす時間が多くなったと思います。何か新しい過ごし方やお楽しみがあれば教えてください。
Rievive: それはわたしも教えてもらいたいことのひとつですね。