Swingin' Shirt by Rievive
Starting today, we will introduce interviews with designers who participated in amirisu issue 27. First up is Rie, the designer of the Swingin' Shirt, with all its intricate details. Knowing about the inspiration behind this design will make knitting it even more fun. We also asked her about the music she listens to while knitting, maybe you'll find inspiration, too!
amirisu: Where did you get the inspiration for this design?
Rie: When I was thinking of a theme, I had several musical genres in mind, and it was difficult to narrow it down to just one. In the process, I recalled my past experiences and the paths I had taken, and suddenly the city at night came to mind.
And then, the longing to go to a jazz bar was pulled out of my memory.
I began to think about how a shirt blouse with a light swinging hemline would look when I wanted to go to a certain jazz bar and enjoy an understated fashionable touch to my outfit, rather than getting dressed up to the nines.
amirisu: What challenges did you face in the design process?
Rie: Knit fabrics tend to give off a casual vibe, so I tried to make the cuffs a little more fluffy and keep the neckline cleaner around the collarbone, to give it a more refined feel. I also made the hemline curved to give it an elegant look.
Rie: When I was thinking of a theme, I had several musical genres in mind, and it was difficult to narrow it down to just one. In the process, I recalled my past experiences and the paths I had taken, and suddenly the city at night came to mind.
And then, the longing to go to a jazz bar was pulled out of my memory.
I began to think about how a shirt blouse with a light swinging hemline would look when I wanted to go to a certain jazz bar and enjoy an understated fashionable touch to my outfit, rather than getting dressed up to the nines.
amirisu: What challenges did you face in the design process?
Rie: Knit fabrics tend to give off a casual vibe, so I tried to make the cuffs a little more fluffy and keep the neckline cleaner around the collarbone, to give it a more refined feel. I also made the hemline curved to give it an elegant look.
amirisu: If you were to knit another piece, what color would you use?
Rie: I would like to knit one in Coquelicot (red), which gives a gorgeous impression the moment you see it!
amirisu: Is there any particular music you like to listen to while knitting? If not, what kind of music do you enjoy in general?
Rie: I listen to a variety of genres, from classical to pop music.
Music from the younger generation is often played in the car by my son, and if I like it, I add it to my list, too. The list also includes hiphop and rap, which I listen to more often now than when I was younger.
But the music that progresses my knitting is probably classical music: I listen to a channel on Youtube that plays a collection of piano concertos all the time, and I also like the sound of classical guitar.
I also enjoy Ryuichi Sakamoto's music, which I feel reaches deep into my body and is very comfortable. When I need to concentrate I'll often choose to play his music in particular. Music is always by my side, so much so that there is never a time when I don't have it playing.
Thank you very much, Rie-san!
今日から、amirisu27号に参加してくれたデザイナーへのインタビューを紹介していきます。トップバッターは可憐なSwingin' Shirt のデザイナー、Rieさん。
amirisu: このデザインのインスピレーションはどこから得ましたか?
Rie: テーマを考えた時に、幾つもの音楽ジャンルが頭をよぎり、なかなか一つに絞ることができませんでした。その過程の中で、これまでの経験や辿ってきた道を改めて思い起こし、ふと、夜の街が浮かびました。
Rie: テーマを考えた時に、幾つもの音楽ジャンルが頭をよぎり、なかなか一つに絞ることができませんでした。その過程の中で、これまでの経験や辿ってきた道を改めて思い起こし、ふと、夜の街が浮かびました。
そうして、するするとJazz barへの憧れも記憶の中から引っ張り出されたのです。
とあるJazz barへ行くために、バッチリではなく、ほんの少しだけお洒落をして楽しみたいときにヘムラインが軽やかにスウィングする(揺れる)ようなシャツブラウスがどうかな、と考え始めこの形になりました。
amirisu: デザインの過程で、どんな苦労や工夫がありましたか?
Rie: ニット地はどうしてもカジュアルな雰囲気が出やすいので、少しよそゆきのイメージを足すために、袖口のふんわり感を出してみたり、鎖骨がすっきりと見えるネックラインにしたりしました。ヘムラインもエレガントさを出すようなカーブラインにしました。
Rie: ニット地はどうしてもカジュアルな雰囲気が出やすいので、少しよそゆきのイメージを足すために、袖口のふんわり感を出してみたり、鎖骨がすっきりと見えるネックラインにしたりしました。ヘムラインもエレガントさを出すようなカーブラインにしました。
amirisu: もう一枚編むとしたら何色で編みますか?
Rie: 見た瞬間に華やかな印象になる、Coquelicot(赤色)を編んでみたいです
Rie: 見た瞬間に華やかな印象になる、Coquelicot(赤色)を編んでみたいです
amirisu: 編み物をしながら聴く音楽、編み物が捗る音楽はありますか?もしくは、好きな音楽を教えてください。
Rie: クラシックからポップスまで、様々なジャンルを聴いています。
Rie: クラシックからポップスまで、様々なジャンルを聴いています。